There are a small number of children affected by albinism in both Kyemula and Namayili. These children not only suffer from the physical problems associated with the condition, poor eyesight and skin which is sensitive to the sun, but also from discrimination. In the past in Uganda witch doctors hunted albino children for body parts thought to have magical healing powers – and during the pandemic fear and misinformation have led some to embrace superstition over science blaming people with albinism for the virus. Both Milton and Joseph are working in their communities to combat this and we are joining in to provide the children with some of the things they need, sunglasses, hats, long sleeved clothing, shoes, socks and protective creams – and extra blankets to make sleeping more comfortable.
Following Maslow’s hierarchy Milton ensured all the P7 children had a good breakfast before they set off for the Primary Leaving Exams at the test centre – travelling 3-up on boda-bodas!
We hope that they all did their best in the exams but understand that the school closure will have impacted them all adversely – depending on their results some children may choose to repeat P7. Diana has held a sexual health session for the older girls to talk about relationships and self-care – and to distribute more menstrual cups as we know having these enables the girls to attend school more regularly. It is so good to see the schools reopening and the children gradually returning to class in both villages. (The picture shows P4,P5 and P6 in Kyemula)
Milton has also reported that the crops are beginning to grow well in Kyemula – here you can see maize interspersed with beans. Loyce, one of the ladies who live in the community home is hoeing to remove weeds – with bare feet! It’s not only the children who need footwear!
Talking of which - our fundraising challenge starts on 1st May – if you haven’t yet joined in there is still time. There is more information on the website ….page ref to be added…, and you can email us, to request a participant pack. We will post updates on both Facebook - and on the website during May
Collectively we aim to walk 1 million steps (500 miles) in May to raise funds to pay for sandals for the children we support – please ask your friends, family, work colleagues and anyone else you know to join us….