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Project Archive

Unlike many large aid agencies which have an agenda of their own we believe in enabling people and communities to achieve their chosen goals.  The work we have done so far has been guided by the conversations and planning sessions we have had with local people.  These are some of our completed projects.


Crops for Christmas


This initiative enabled up to provide farmers with the tools they needed to increase the crop yield from their gardens. If they grow more than they can eat, 3H purchases the surplus from meals at both Jackie School and Bunyanga Bright Primary. This in turn supports the farmers to buy supplies for the following season.

May 2022 Step Challenge - Paces for Pants


A huge thank you to everyone who took part in Paces for Pants! We finished the month with a collective total of 3,494,514 steps, with donations totalling over £800! This allowed us to purchase over 500 pairs of pants for children in Eastern Uganda.

Most children in rural Uganda do not wear underwear due to the cost. This can leave girls vulnerable to unwanted sexual harrassment, from both their peers and older men. Wearing pants reduces the risk of rape and can help young girls feel safer.

3H are continuing to educate children to respect women and girls, but this is not the cultural norm. Wearing pants is part of our respect and privacy agenda.

Community farming in Kyemula
Crops for Christmas

Above, farming in Kyemula

Teaching girls in Bunyanga Bright

Above, working with the girls at Bunyanga Bright Primary School

Infrastructure repairs and improvements in 2020

Kyemula Community Home


During 2020 we repaired the community home in Kyemula, used by some of the older people who could not maintain their homes and had no family to support them. A community home provides them with a safe, secure place to live – and by caring for the orphans within the village community they remain useful, contributing to the community. 


The community home has provided a safe refuge for far more people than it was initially intended to house and now that repairs and maintenance has been done, it is able to fulfil its vital role in the village. 

Concrete needing repair
Door needing repair

Before: Broken plaster and broken windows.

completed work on community home

After: Freshly painted and repaired for everyone to use.

Bunyanga Bright Primary School, Namayili


To improve the health and hygiene of the children in Namayili we have constructed latrines for the boys and girls – and also built a kitchen so that all the children can have at least one hot meal a day.  

Namayili kitchen build
Namayili latrines being painted

Eco-friendly cooking stoves 

We have purchased environmentally friendly stoves for both school kitchens from Aid Africa. The stoves reduce the need for firewood, are safer to use and cook more quickly than traditional open fires. 

Namayili stove

2018 Christmas Appeal for Sports Equipment


To develop fitness and team spirit – and to appeal to the Ugandan enthusiasm for football – we have provided goal posts and football strip to enable the school to compete in a local league – and we have also set up a netball court and provided bibs as the girls were equally keen to play against other schools.  Both are being well used!


Previous Infrastructure Improvements


Community Home

Some older people in Kyemula could not maintain their homes and had no family to support them. A community home provides them with a safe, secure place to live – and by caring for the orphans within the village community they remain useful, contributing to the community

Maintaining the wells

Clean water has to be pumped from the well, but maintaining the pump in good condition requires cash which the villagers do not have. When the well doesn’t work people resort to the dangerous and dirty river so we have paid for the necessary repairs.

Jackie School 

Classes used to take place under the trees but we have built a school with seven class rooms which means lessons no longer stop when it rains. There is also a latrine and a kitchen which provides two hot meals a day.

Blankets for Christmas

Nights can be cold, even on the Equator, so we have provided every older person and child in Kyemula with a warm blanket.


Triple decker bunks 

There are so many orphans living in the community home that we have supplied triple decker bunks to give each child a safe place to sleep and some privacy.  

Microcredit Scheme

In a community dependent on subsistence farming cash is in short supply. We have invested a small sum in a micro-credit scheme which enables members to purchase items they need to develop small businesses – cloth to make clothes to sell, seeds to grow different crops to sell etc. The loans are repaid with a small amount of interest which is shared between members annually.

many hands..
handing out blankets

Bunyanga Bright Primary

3H began working with Bunyanga Bright Primary School in 2018. Our hope was that we could use the same system of support in Namayili that works well in Kyemula. 

We ran two large farming projects in Namayili for the local community to help get them started. We hoped this would provide them with food as well as a potential source of income that could be used towards paying school fees. We also worked closely with Zukuka Bora Coffee, to introduce coffee growing to the area, which would be a long term source of income to the community.


We offered pupil sponsorship, which helped to pay for school meals, resources and to pay teachers while we helped the community on their way to self-sufficiency. We built pit latrines and a kitchen at the school, as well as providing shoes for the children and blankets.

Unfortunately, due to a variety of reasons, we have not had the same level of community engagement that we have had in Kyemula. Following the trustee visit in August 2024 and a sudden decrease in pupil numbers, we made the difficult decision not to continue our work in Namayili into 2025.


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