Just as in the UK the ‘lockdown’ in Uganda is gradually being relaxed but there are still stringent restrictions. The government seems to have done a great job on preventing Covid 19 entering the country by enforcing rigorous checks at the borders but the downside has been the effect of the restrictions on ordinary people. There is no welfare state so many people have nothing to fall back on – and the promised government food aid has not materialised. But then nor have the promised free face masks or the solar powered TV’s and radios to be used for education….

We have continued to provide food for the most vulnerable in Kyemula – something we usually try to resist as it is not a productive use of our resources – but the alternative is to let people starve to death. We have also sent money for food to our students who are back in their villages where times are equally hard. Sylvia is currently feeding her widowed neighbour’s five children…

Last week Milton told me that in the neighbouring villages five people had died of hunger. As their pastor, he buried three people one day and two the following day. Milton said, ‘One man hung himself yesterday, after his woman gave birth and he had no help, no money, no food to care for the family.’ So we have sent more money for emergency food supplies …and some masks for these villagers.

Milton says, ‘Your support is of great impact, thank you for everything and I will continue buying food for at least three more weeks’
For whilst the maize crop is doing well and the corn cobs are swelling they will not be ripe enough to pick for another few weeks….

On a brighter note work has resumed on the latrines in Namayili which now have a roof and doors, all that remains to be done is a coat of paint. A tap has also been purchased for the water harvesting system which will be thoroughly cleaned before the children return to school.

You can help us if you are making purchases online please consider nominating 3H as your charity of choice on Amazon Smile – we recently received a payment from them which is very welcome

I am sorry that this month’s newsletter may have been hard to read with a less than positive message but it is the reality of life in rural Uganda – and the reality of supporting people who have few resources and little hope. We appreciate you continued support during this difficult time.
Milton has sent a recent photo of the some of the children who live in the Community Home.
‘Wan yala nabe’ means ‘thank you very much’ in Lugiso –and we, and all the people who live in Kyemula and Namayili are really very grateful your care and for the sustenance they have received –but it is not only the food that is important – it is also the knowledge that someone does care.