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  • Writer's pictureKaren

April 21 Newsletter

We are delighted that the children in P6 have been able to return to school – once we had provided additional desks for social distancing and masks to keep everyone safe. We are hopeful the rest of the children will join them for a special additional term designed to help them catch up in June but that depends on the Covid 19 situation.

The planting season for maize and beans has started so the farmers in Kyemula gathered to collect their supplies – a lot of work has gone into preparing the soil and everyone is excited to get the seeds.

There has also been a big shopping trip from Namayili to buy their seeds and supplies, which necessitated a truck to transport their purchases back to the village.

Joseph has sent a message to 3H expressing their thanks he says, ‘The donations of products for the farmers, this the first ever in our community – not even the government has ever done this, and they would not have given the best as 3H has done. We have supplied 42 farmers and another 80 will receive 2kgs of maize seeds. We really look forward to lives changing and poverty being eradicated in our community with this help and child sponsorship. God bless your entire team of supporters – please send our regards to them.’

As always we are so grateful to all our donors and sponsors for continuing to support 3H – these initiatives can only happen because we have such great support. As we mentioned at the start of the year we want to increase our donor base and to this end are planning a fund-raiser which we hope you will join in – and also encourage your friends, work mates and families to participate – our aim will be to ensure all the children in both Namayili and Kyemula have shoes – more information coming soon! The picture above provides a clue!!

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