Good news! Our application for a grant towards the cost of the new latrines for Kyemula has been successful which means, together with the generous contributions from our sponsors and donors, we have sufficient funds to build two blocks of latrines with septic tanks. All projects begin with the delivery of supplies and the breaking of ground…

We are very much looking forward to following the build and having much better facilities for the children at Jackie School. Grateful thanks to our friends in Rotary for their support.

The farmers in Kyemula had quite a good harvest and enthusiastically planted for the next season following advice from their ‘Farming God’s Way’ course, strewing maize husks over the seeds. Sadly, there has been no rain at all – and therefore so far none of the seeds have germinated. If the rain doesn’t come soon we could be looking at severe food shortages….

The candidate class at Jackie School have sat their mock Primary Leaving Exams – 18 of the children currently in P7 will be registered for the exam and 9 will re-do the year and be registered next year. Of the 18 eight are sponsored children. The children will be revising intensively and we wish them all well.

Joseph recently shared these photo’s of Namayili showing some of the houses and the road through the village. It has been an unusually dry August and September so the road is in better condition than usual!

Sadly our funds are at a rather low ebb because of the unexpected need to replace the latrines so we have decided that we will need to reduce our spending on Christmas. Our Christmas Appeal this year will be to fund community meals in both villages and provide some treats for the children – more details in the next newsletter.
