The school roll at Bunyanga Bright Primary in Namayili has fallen significantly and we have continued to be frustrated by the lack of community engagement. Following lengthy discussion when Diana, Terri and Chris visited in August and subsequent communications we have decided that sadly 3H will cease support to Namayili from the end of term. This gives the parents time to look for alternative education and teachers time to find new jobs. We are very sad that this is the situation but must use our charitable funds to best effect. Sponsors of children at the school have already received an email about the problems and been offered a new child to sponsor at Jackie School.

The health clinics have proved so beneficial in Kyemula that we are going to make them a regular termly event. We are setting up records to monitor the children’s development and will also be offering some education to parents on improving health and hygiene. The children have become accustomed to queuing, class by class to see the nurse. Milton has reported that the treatments given last term had a great impact, this time there were very few skin problems and Sarah, the nurse, was impressed by that!

Our 3H Community is absolutely brilliant, whenever we ask you for help someone steps forward and offers more than we requested. Joshua now has a sponsor and has moved to live with Matiina Nambuya who will give him the support he needs relearning to be independent. We have also been able to provide them with some things to make life easier – Matiina sent thanks to the kind donors as she hadn’t expected such support – while we thanked her for offering to look after Joshua. Milton reports that Joshua is now relearning how to write with his other hand but feels more confident about the future.

Christmas Appeal – we are very grateful to the Bristol Breakfast Rotary Club for their kind donation towards the cost of blankets for the children but to enable us to give every child a blanket we need another £875. We can provide gift certificates if you would like to give these as ‘good gifts’ – either hard copy or by email. Email me at with the details – donations to our usual bank account: Starling Bank, Account No 46353632, Sort Code 60-83-71. Thanks in anticipation….

One of our sponsored students at Livingstone International University , Sarah Kulume, has just graduated from her initial degree – she is currently completing a fourth year at LIU. She is delighted to have had the support of 3H and says ‘thank you for your endless effort to support me’ – we are so pleased to be helping her achieve her ambition.