The Primary Leaving Exams (PLE) are over and the candidate children have left Jackie School after a celebratory party for all the school, the teachers and the P7 parents. All children in Uganda are entitled to a place at a state secondary school, allocated according to their performance in the PLE. Very few, if any, of the children from Kyemula will actually take up this opportunity as most will join their parents subsistence farming. However these children, unlike their parents will be numerate and literate, and we hope in their turn they will encourage their own children to complete secondary school. Fifteen of the eighteen children in the candidate class are pictured above – so pleased they all have footwear.
At Bunyanga Bright primary pupils have been busy helping with maintenance of the school. They have been clearing the pathways and using a mixture of cow dung and soil to repair and strengthen the walls of the classrooms. It’s important for the children to learn these skills, as well as learning the importance of looking after their school and community buildings. After the retirement of the headteacher the deputy headteacher has taken charge until recruitment takes place in the New Year.
Thank you to everyone who has already contributed to the Christmas Appeal – we are delighted that we will be able to give all the children a special Christmas Meal. We can provide a gift certificate if you are gifting your donation.