These are the jack fruit ripening on the tree which gives Jackie School its name.

The beginning of December was a busy time with exams for all the pupils – pictured here are the graduating nursery class from Jackie School who were joined by their families for a short ceremony.

Sadly, not all the news from Kyemula was so cheerful as the very next day one of our sponsored children was bitten by a snake at his home and he reached hospital too late for the doctors to save his life. Milton officiated at his funeral – he said many people came because this was such a shocking event. We sent condolences and contributed to the funeral costs.

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the Christmas Appeal which raised £1215 – almost the total cost of the meals for both schools and gifts for some of the older people of basic foodstuffs – tea, sugar, salt and soap. Your support throughout the year has been tremendous and makes such a difference – we literally couldn’t support Kyemula and Namayili without you. And a decision had to be made about which of the school pigs will become the main feature of the Kyemula Christmas meal – an event which had to be delayed due the incessant rain on the planned day.

In the meantime, as you can see Bunyanga Bright Primary were able to hold their Christmas party….here’s Joseph’s description of the day….

The community, young and old, came together in Kyemula for their delayed Christmas lunch on Thursday 14th – and one of the male pigs had been slaughtered to provide the feast. It certainly looks as if everyone had plenty to eat!

Kamasaaliwa Kelisanyu!
(Happy Christmas in Lugisu)