Meet Christopher, half-brother to sponsored child Sam Wolanzulu.The negativity surrounding balondo ( albino) children is such that when he was first born the father’s family sent the mother back to her family but after some input from a healthcare worker she is back with her husband and family in the village.

We are continuing to support the balondo children in both villages whilst seeking sponsors for them.

The students we sponsor at LIU were advised that learning will be home based and online this semester – which only works if you have a home with electricity and internet access – and our students don’t !Hilda will be able to stay with her sister – and we have now paid for power to be connected.

. While Priscilla (pictured above) is keeping house for someone she knows from church in exchange for a room. Nothing is ever straightforward in Uganda! It is going to be particularly tough for the new intake of students who will also be learning online – fortunately our new sponsored student, Everline,(below) has family she can stay with locally.

You may have realised that I talk to everyone I know about 3H and the difference we can make to the lives of people in Kyemula and Namayili – so I delighted that after chatting to Rachel at a mosaic workshop she was running, she offered to organise a fundraiser for us in the New Year. Details to follow – but a huge thank you to Rachel! If you have any contacts who might run an event for 3H please do ask – or pass on our contact details so that we can ask! We are also looking for anyone who might do a sponsored run or take part in any sponsored challenges….

There was a possibility that schools might open this month but the President has decreed that more time is needed to ensure a ‘third wave’ doesn’t sweep the nation. While we wait Milton suggested that we buy some cassava from the Plant Research institute to diversify the crops grown in Kyemula and reduce the dependence on maize and beans.

Here are the details for our Christmas Appeal – gift certificates can be emailed or posted to you. We look forward to receiving your orders via our email : 3huganda@gmail.com
£10 buys a farmer a hoe and a watering can – the basic tools each farmer needs
£20 buys a selection of maize, bean, cabbage and onion seeds – the basic foods in each garden
£50 buys a spray pump and fertiliser for a group of farmers to share

And a reminder -3H also benefits if you make purchase via Amazon Smile and nominate us as your chosen charity…
If you shop online you can also raise money for us with Give As You Live https://www.giveasyoulive.com/how-it-works

It’s been a frustrating month as we were so hopeful that the children would be able to return to school – but obviously keeping Covid out of the rural communities is really important in a country with virtually no health services. The good news is that the farming project means both villages have sufficient food stored and we haven’t had to provide any food aid. Thanks for sticking with us, it means a lot to all the community.
As Milton always says, ‘Wanyala Naabi’ (Thank you very much)