The Charity Commission requires all charities to develop appropriate policies to ensure that the charity is well run – meeting all legal and regulatory requirements. 3H has adopted two policies which may be of interest to our donors and sponsors, a data protection policy and a complaints policy. Both of these are available to read on the ‘About Us’ page of the website, If you have any queries or would like to know what other polices we have in place please email us via
We are also delighted to welcome Diana Muturi as a new trustee. Diana says’ I got involved with Chris and Karen through their sponsorship program at LIU. When Chris visited Uganda recently I got a chance to visit the village in Kyemula. I was impressed and drawn to what 3H is doing there and wanted to be part of that. I offered to help with securing, training and distribution of menstrual cups and I am elated that becoming a trustee offers me a chance to more involved. I will not only be able to help with girls' reproductive health but with other local initiatives.

Can you help? With so much new work we need to increase our reach and find new donors and sponsors. It would be great if our current donors and sponsors could help us do this by talking to friends and family about the work 3H is doing. The new projects may appeal to schools, groups and workplaces – we have hard-copy fliers which we can mail you if you would like to publicise the charity amongst your contacts. We have also developed a power point presentation which can be used by anyone giving a talk about the work of 3H – email us at for more information.

Felix is 6 years old and in the middle class. He walks from his home in Nabulwele to Kyemula every day and says it is a long walk. His parents are both alive but struggle to make money as they do not have good jobs. His father does brick laying but does not make enough to pay the fees. His mother grows and sells tomatoes so she gets the money for the fees. She is in a women’s saving group and they keep the money for her. She also does some farming and contributes some of the crops towards the fees. Felix loves her because she is making sure he can study. But because there is no water in Nabulwele he is often late to school as he fetches water for home before he comes to school.